How to Create an Emergency Plan

Emergency Escape Plan


Fortunately, Western Washington has avoided the recent  hurricanes and earthquakes , but we are not immune to natural disasters. In addition to wildfires, we are vulnerable to volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, earthworks and flooding. No matter where you live, it is important to know what disasters could strike and be prepared. Here are the steps to making a disaster survival plan, compliments of

Step 1:  Create a plan with your family or household starting with these four questions:

(a) How will I receive emergency alerts and warnings?
(b) What is my shelter plan?
(c) What is my evacuation route?
(d) What is my plan to communicate with my family or household

Step 2: Consider the specific needs of your household, so you can tailor your plan to meet those needs. Factors to think about include:

  • Ages of members of your family or household
  • Children and older adults
  • Responsibility to help others
  • Dietary needs
  • Medical needs
  • Disabilities
  • Special equipment or devices needed
  • Languages spoken
  • Cultural and religious considerations
  • Pets or service animals

Step 3: Create a Family Emergency Plan

Download this form from FEMA to create your Family Emergency Communication Plan

Step 4: Share your plan with your family or household

For more information on creating a plan watch the FEMA video below, or visit for more resources on creating a disaster plan. Visit for what to keep in a fully-stocked home emergency preparedness kit.

Marti Reeder, Realtor, Managing Broker