So, you’ve bought your first home, but don’t know where to start after you close. What’s next? Here’s what you can expect:
- Take a trip to your local home improvement store. Whether your house is a fixer upper, or you want to add some shelves to that new walk-in closet, you’ll want the right tools. You might want to re-paint, or maybe change the handles on the kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Make sure you have the proper tools on hand. Not sure if you’re ready for that step? Grab some home design magazines, or do a walk-through of Home Depot to get ideas.
- Your lawn may need some TLC too. Set aside time to mow the yard, water the plants, trim overgrown bushes and trees, etc. No time? Ask your local Realtor® to refer you to a local landscaping service.
- Clean, clean, clean! You’ll want to make sure everything is clean before you move everything in. If cleaning isn’t your thing, you can ask friends to help or hire a housecleaning service.
- Take photos or videos of your house for insurance, warranty and resale purposes. They will also make for fun “before and after” photos after you’ve made your home your own.
- To save money, check the insulation in your attic, and install more if needed. If there’s inadequate or no insulation, your house may not be as energy efficient as it could be. Many states offer financial incentives to encourage homeowners to insulate their homes.
- If your new home has been vacant for any length of time, have the heating and cooling systems serviced.
- Create a floor plan for furniture. Before moving in, it is helpful to know what furniture will go where. This will require some up front planning – and a good tape measure! There are lots of free floor plan tools online to make it easy for you. Room Sketcher is a fun one to try.
Moving into a new home is hard work, but it is also very rewarding. Instead of being overwhelmed, take each one step at a time. Enjoy the process and look forward to relaxing and entertaining in your new home! All the hard work will be worth it.