With high unemployment and rising prices on everything from groceries to gas, home remodeling can seem like a far off dream, something to be done someday when you have a little extra money. By setting a budget, however, that someday can be now, improving your quality of life as well as the investment in your home. Check out HouseLogic.com’s advice on budgeting for a remodel from start to finish.
First, dream a little dream for an expanded, family-friendly kitchen, a luxurious master suite or a functional finished basement. Then get a ballpark estimate of costs and figure out where the money will come from (e.g., cash on hand, savings, home equity line of credit, refi, etc.). With your budget in mind, contact several contractors for price quotes and time frames. And, finally, prioritize and plan phases for your project. Not sure where to begin? Give me a call. I can put you in touch with local financial and construction experts who can make your remodeling project possible TODAY! I am your local real estate resource for all things related to homes and home ownership.