If the past year has made you realize your current home may not fit your current lifestyle, you’re not alone!
Spring is often the time when homeowners begin to consider buying new construction. It’s a time of new promises, and new possibilities. Often, those possibilities include the thought of building a home that’s customized to your needs.
Often, this process begins with homeowners meeting directly with potential builders and visiting home sites. While this is an important part of finding the right new home, I would encourage you to think about involving your real estate broker at the very beginning of this process.
There’s a lot of reasons this makes sense. Let’s take a look at some of them!
Advocacy. Your real estate agent represents your best interests at all times, and the agent for the seller/builder does the same for them. It’s important that you not start this process without skilled representation – representation that will support you every step of the way.
Time management. Trying to time the sale of your current home with the possession of your new home can be a nightmare. A skilled agent is critical in managing this transition smoothly. Your agent can help you determine the optimal time to get your home on the market, and help you determine how to receive top dollar for your home.
Selecting options and upgrades. Most builders offer a bewildering array of options from which home buyers can select. And many of the available upgrades are significant money-makers for the builder. Your real estate agent can help you determine which options make sense to add during the constructions phase, which you can add more cost-effectively after you take possession, and which options and upgrades offer the best long-term value.
Negotiating. For most people, negotiating is somewhat uncomfortable – and it’s not something most people are skilled at. But experienced real estate agents spend significant portions of their work lives negotiating on behalf of their clients. Take advantage of that fact and let them work for you!
Market knowledge. Experienced real estate agents know which builders have great reputations for delivering a great product and excellent service – and which do not! Why not work with an agent who can help you steer clear of those builders who won’t deliver your home on time, and on budget, as promised?
Building a home can be an exciting project. Enlist our help early to have the best possible experience. If you’ve been toying with the idea of building a home let’s talk!