Warm Weather Warning – Crime Prevention Tip

With our beautiful, warm weather, we are eager to open our doors and windows to let in the fresh air. But beware – this is also an invitation for theft. Please be sure to secure all windows and doors when you are not at home, or that are not within your view while you are at home. This means cars and garage doors, too. Some of us have a tendency to leave the garage door open when we’re working in the yard. This can be particularly dangerous if the garage door is not within your sight, if you’re working in the back yard, for example.

Every year residential burglaries rise when windows and doors are left open. Burglars are opportunistic and look for easy targets. Make sure your home is not one of them!

Bonus tip:  Stay up to date on crimes in Kent neighborhoods by visiting. www.kentcrimereports.com.

[Thanks to Sara Wood, Public Education Specialist at the Kent Police Department, for this helpful info.]



Marti Reeder, Realtor, Managing Broker