by Marti Reeder | Mar 4, 2022 | Design, Home Ideas, Home Ownership, Home Search, John L. Scott, Kent, King County, Misc., Moving, Neighborhood, News, Real Estate, Washington
So much has changed since the onset of the pandemic two years ago! Who could have guessed how many ways our lives would be affected? Now it’s 2022, and remote work from home continues to be popular as employers try to balance the need for productivity with the health...
by Marti Reeder | Feb 9, 2022 | Home Buying, Home Ownership, Home Search, Home Selling, John L. Scott, Kent, King County, Listings, Misc., Moving, Neighborhood, News, Real Estate, Washington
A Google search is great for a lot of things – finding local restaurants, the nearest gas station, or the best walking trails. But it is not a reliable way to find the right real estate agent for YOU! You will get thousands of results in your market, and there is no...
by Marti Reeder | Jan 27, 2022 | Home Ideas, Home Ownership, Home Search, Home Selling, John L. Scott, King County, Listings, Misc., Moving, News, Real Estate
No matter how you look at it, moving can be stressful, even when you are excited to move into a new home. But you can make it easier on yourself by paring down and organizing your household before the moving begins. Here are eight tips to help you pare down before you...
by Marti Reeder | Nov 22, 2021 | Home Buying, Home Ownership, Home Search, Home Selling, John L. Scott, Listings, News, Newsletter, Real Estate
Is gray passé? It’s a question that’s going through the minds of design professionals, if not the minds of home buyers and sellers across America. In the 2010s gray bumped the former go-to color (beige!) out of the top position, and gray has been wildly popular ever...
by Marti Reeder | Nov 10, 2021 | Home Buying, Home Ownership, Home Search, Home Selling, John L. Scott, Listings, News, Newsletter, Real Estate
Most real estate agents have warned their clients of the wisdom of using Zillow’s proprietary “Zestimate” for years now. A top-secret algorithm developed by the company, the Zestimate® was touted by Zillow as an accurate and important tool to allow home buyers and...
by Marti Reeder | Oct 26, 2021 | Economy, Home Equity, John L. Scott, Listings, Misc.
Recently, our team has had several homeowners reach out, asking about their options in paying their mortgage during a time when their income may be diminished (or eliminated entirely) as a result of COVID. Some are wondering whether they should take advantage of...